Tooth Extraction

Restoring Smiles with Tooth Extraction

When you seek restorative treatment soon enough, you can usually save teeth even when they’re severely compromised. For example, if your tooth is severely fractured, then a dental crown may be able to restore its strength and integrity. If it’s infected with decay, then a tooth filling procedure or root canal therapy can often restore it. However, in some cases, a tooth may become so damaged or decayed that no restoration can save it. If this occurs, then extracting the tooth and replacing it may be the best option for your long-term oral health.

When to consider tooth extraction

Because tooth extraction is typically a last resort, we’ll thoroughly examine your tooth and explore all options before recommending it. Some of the most common reasons for tooth extraction include:

  • Severe tooth damage – The longer a cracked or fractured tooth remains untreated, the worse the damage will become, and eventually, we may have to extract it. Removing the tooth makes way for us to replace it, preferably with a dental implant-supported crown that replaces the lost tooth root, as well.
  • Extreme tooth decay – If decay becomes severe enough and root canal treatment can’t save the tooth, then we may have to extract and replace it. Tooth extraction may also be necessary if you have a health condition that makes it more difficult to fight off tooth infection.
  • Extensive gum disease – Though it affects the gums surrounding teeth rather your teeth themselves, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. If it destroys enough of your gums and jawbone to make tooth loss imminent, then we might recommend tooth extraction. After your gum disease is properly managed, we can design a plan to replace the tooth.
  • Wisdom tooth impaction – Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to develop and erupt. They can often become impacted by the molars already present, causing a host of problems such as tooth pain, damage to your teeth, bite misalignment, and more. Extracting them could be necessary, though you won’t have to replace them to restore your bite’s function.

Free up space to restore your smile

Despite the advanced state of today’s restorative dentistry, not every tooth can or should be saved. To find out if you can benefit from tooth extraction, schedule a consultation by calling Pacific Hills Dental in Omaha, NE, today at (402)330-2243.We proudly serve patients who live Omaha, Papillion, Elkhorn, La Vista, and Millard, and all surrounding communities.