TMJ Disorder: An Introduction

jawpainbluePerhaps you have been struggling with discomfort in or around your jaw joints but you’re not sure what to make of it. Fortunately, by scheduling a preventive visit to see us, we can examine your oral cavity (including digital X-rays of your oral structures) to get to the bottom of the problem. A likely conclusion? You may be dealing with a treatable dental problem called TMJ disorder (or TMD for short). By learning more about your TMJs, the disorder, and common symptoms, you will quickly feel clearer about the discomfort you’ve been experiencing. Fortunately, you can also feel hopeful – we offer effective, noninvasive treatment to protect your jaw health.

What Are Your TMJs?

The first matter of business when learning about TMJ disorder is becoming familiar with the parts. Your TMJs – short for temporomandibular joints – are simply your jaw joints. You have one jaw joint on either side of your head, connecting your skull and jaw. The TMJs provide motion, allowing you to open your mouth, close your mouth, speak, chew, etc.

What Is TMD?

TMD stands for TMJ disorder, a problem that occurs when your TMJs are no longer functioning smoothly and effectively. They may become physically damaged or stress and strain may cause them to function poorly.

Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

If you’re suffering from discomfort surrounding your jaw joints, we suggest visiting us, so we may examine your oral cavity for signs of TMD. For now, however, you may rely on the following common symptoms for a clearer understanding of TMD:

  • Trouble opening your mouth all the way
  • Occasional difficulty opening or closing your mouth
  • Jaw joints that click or pop
  • Pain or soreness at the site of your TMJs or discomfort surrounding the area
  • Soreness or fatigue in your face
  • Headaches
  • Neck, shoulder, and back pain