What Does My Toothache Mean?

what does my toothache meanIt may be the most common dental symptom, but the fact that it’s common doesn’t make a toothache hurt any less, or cause less worry. Some instances may be mild and no more than a nuisance, while other instances can be severe enough to cause you to miss work or school because of the discomfort.

Even though a toothache can mean many things, the usual culprits are well-known, and fortunately, highly-treatable. If you experience a toothache of any degree, then your best chance at relieving it will lie in visiting your dentist for a proper professional assessment.

Common Causes for Tooth Pain

Your tooth is damaged

Tooth damage, like a crack, fracture, or break, is one of the more common causes for tooth pain, and in some cases, the damage may go unnoticed until the toothache prompts you to visit your dentist. Typically, relieving the pain will require fixing the tooth, such as with tooth bonding or a dental crown, depending on the extent of damage.

Your tooth has a cavity

A cavity, which is caused by tooth decay, is a hole in your tooth’s structure. Much like accidental damage, a cavity can expose the tooth’s sensitive nerves and tissues, leading to increasingly worse tooth discomfort. Stopping the pain requires stopping the cavity and decay, which can usually be accomplished with a tooth-colored filling.

Your tooth’s root is exposed

Whether from gum disease, genetics, or years of use, the gums surrounding your teeth may sometimes begin to recede, or pull away from your teeth. Gum recession can expose the roots of your teeth, which are directly connected to their nerves and can lead to varying degrees of tooth sensitivity. If gum disease is present, then you could require appropriate periodontal treatment to address it and find relief from the resulting tooth sensitivity.